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Be firm. Be strong. Be a man. And a saint.

- St. Josemaria Escriva, The Way

Garber House is a professional and educational center that forms men into people capable of changing the world. At the center the staff meets men and boys wherever they are, in all stages and walks of life - young or old, student or working professional, married or single - and empowers them to turn ordinary circumstances and daily duties into opportunities to develop personal virtue and love of God and others.


Garber House fosters growth in professional competence, in discipline, and in intimate friendship with Jesus Christ. It does this through various activities which include professional workshops and seminars, retreats, one-on-one mentorship, and weekend trips. The result is men who know themselves well and who fully exercise their freedom in order to give themselves to others through friendship, family, and career, and to thereby discover deep and lasting happiness.

The center is located near the northwest corner of the University of California, Berkeley campus. Many of its activities are hosted for college and high school students from schools in the surrounding area.

The Christian orientation of Garber House's programs is entrusted to Opus Dei, a Personal Prelature of the Catholic Church.

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