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CAL Forum

A program to help young men grow in

character, achievement and leadership. 


A Father & Son Session

In order to help both fathers and sons to understand the vision and logistics of the CAL Forum, and to meet the mentors, fathers are requested to join their son for the first seminar on September 21st from 10 AM to 3 PM.

If the dad is not available on this date, you may alternatively request that your son's mentor reach out to schedule an in person visit. 

Monthly Seminar Schedule

11:00 am
12:00 pm

Mentoring available
Seminars begin 

End; mentoring available

Scheduling Mentoring

Mentoring will take place by appointment. Mentors and mentees will agree on a time for mentoring before or after the seminar, or on a separate day entirely.


The CAL Forum helps young men grow in character, achievement and leadership. Our seminars provide the intellectual foundation needed for a flourishing life, and our mentoring sessions help your son to apply this knowledge to his own life. Specifically, the CAL Forum aims to help your son: become great friends with his family, neighbors, colleagues, and God; prepare for college and professional life; acquire the virtues and outlook that he'll eventually need as a husband and father; and give back to community and country.

Freshmen and Sophomores

Each seminar involves a lecture-style class and an interactive activity. Classes will cover "big picture" topics and virtues

SEP 21 - Father & Son Session

OCT 19 - Setting Goals for the Future

NOV 16 - The Importance of Friendship

DEC 21 - Living with Authority

JAN 18 - Self-Discipline

FEB 15 - Fortitude

MAR 15 - Humility

APR 19 - Sincerity

MAY 17 - You Are What You Read

Note: 8th graders are invited to attend the program.

Juniors and Seniors

These seminars present students with a college-like experience. The seminars involve reading and discussion.

SEP 21 - Father & Son Session

OCT 19 - Plato’s Republic: What is the Ideal Form of Government?

NOV 16 - Aristotle: What is the Purpose of Government?

DEC 21 - Machiavelli’s Prince: The Gangster’s Manual to Politics

JAN 18 - Hobbes’ Leviathan: If Life is “Nasty, Brutish and Short,” What is Government For?

FEB 15 - Locke, Liberalism & The Natural Law Foundations of America

MAR 15 - Is America an Exceptional Nation? 

APR 19 - The Constitution: Wise Statement of Political Philosophy? Or Old Irrelevant Document?

MAY 17 - The Problem of Pluralism: What is the Role of Government in a Religiously Diverse Society?


11:00 am
12:00 pm

Mentoring available
Seminars begin 

End; mentoring available


Each student is assigned a mentor who will meet individually with him at the monthly sessions. The mentor will help the student make practical goals based on the material presented in the seminars. Mentoring sessions typically last 45 minutes and will take place at Garber House, or when meeting in-person is not feasible, by phone.


To apply for the CAL Forum, please fill out an application. A phone interview may be required. The seminar fee is $200 ($175 if application is submitted by August 1st, 2024). Click the 'Pay Now' button to pay online. Checks should be made payable to “Berkland Foundation” and sent to Berkland Foundation, 1827 Oxford St., #1, Berkeley, CA , 94709. The CAL Forum is open to high school men who demonstrate academic excellence and leadership abilities.


Mark Gibson, MBA, Program Director, Peninsula Foundation
Douglas Tatz, Policy Analyst, UC Berkeley

Francis Adams, JD, Associate, Dhillon Law Group

James Herrick, PE, Civil Engineer, Kimley-Horn

Tim McDonnell, Educational Consultant

Anchor 1

The Study of philosophy is not that we may know what men have thought,

but what the truth of things is.

- St. Thomas Aquinas

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